Iffco md pinterest

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US Awasthi, MD IFFCO is the man on the mission. All our business decisions and overseas acquisitions aim at making in India and making for India. Panda, General Manager government relationship BOB and Yogendra Kumar, General Manager Marketing IFFCO here on Tuesday.

The election of Mr. In 2002 wrote a letter to Atal Bihari Bajpayee, that cooperatives need to be given autonomy. IFFCO is therefore contributing to the ideas of a solo India Swach Bharat Abhiyanfinancial inclusion Jan Dhan Yojna and domestic manufacturing Make in India. Dr U S Awasthi: As you may be aware that this our golden jubilee year. This scholarship is a small step in helping the rural youth pursue their ideas and glad and take them to the conclusion. Dr U S Awasthi: In the field of cooperatives. Q: You just hit 200 million iffco md pinterest users. At the request of the team, we decided to put a claim of 1lakh rupee against 25 bags of fertilizers. We have also met a channel where these societies can interact with us and place orders online.

We really think that in the future the camera is going to be the next keyboard. अवस्थी एक मिशन पर है। पिछले 24 वर्षों में उन्होंने इफ्को को एक बड़ी कंपनी बनाने में मदद की है। इसके लिए उन्होंने 35 हजार से अधिक सहकारी समितियों को इफ्को के साथ जोड़ा है। अब उन्होंने 2018 तक 4 करोड़ किसानों के जीवन में डिजिटल को जोड़ने के एक और सपने को शुरू किया है। यू. Can you share what you are doing?

Iffcobazar.in - This scholarship is a small step in helping the rural youth pursue their ideas and innovation and take them to the conclusion.

NEW YORK - often gets lumped in with apps like Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook, but people don't use it to meet new people or to keep in touch with old classmates. It's designed more to let you get in touch with your own interests, tastes and hobbies. It has 200 million monthly users. Silbermann spoke to The Associated Press about new technologies and competition. The interview has been edited for length and clarity. Q: What kinds of things do you see people pinning and looking at that you weren't seeing a year ago? A: Every day we are surprised by what users think to use Pinterest for. New things that are getting really popular are things like tattoos. We see a lot of enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, woodworking enthusiasts, who are using Pinterest to get ideas for that. Q: You are using , like with Lens where you can take a photo or screenshot of something and find it on Pinterest. What are some of the challenges of AI? A: We use machine learning, or AI, in two big ways. One is to help you get personal recommendations that align with your taste. And the challenge there is that a lot of times people know what they like when they see it but they might not know how to communicate that in words. So we work really hard to try to understand your taste even if you can't quite describe it and show you things that are similar. And the other one is an area we call computer vision. We really think that in the future the camera is going to be the next keyboard. It's going to be a fundamental way that you learn about the world around you. Q: You just hit 200 million monthly users. Can you talk about the demographics of your user base now vs. A: A lot of our early users were in the U. So they weren't what you think about stereotypical tech early adopters. The last couple of years we have grown really fast outside of the U. Q: Can you talk about the ways Pinterest makes money and any new plans? A: The way we make money is advertising. And the reason that advertising has always made sense to us as the right model is that people come to Pinterest to get ideas. Ideas for their home or ideas for clothes. A: What I always tell our team is that a lot of those companies are building the features that we released months or years ago. We need to keep focusing on building the next set of things that would make our users really happy and really love this service. There will always be competitors that are copying what have already built and have shown is working. Please review and accept these changes below to continue using the website. We use cookies to ensure the best experience for you on our website. If you choose to ignore this message, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on ET CIO.